Friday 22 August 2014

A Table in Need, is where we’ll be.

Nikamal is a brand that is heavily associated with plastic furniture’s. The brand has got the high credibility in the customers. The problem faced by these brand are that plastic is associated with cheap furniture and this has prevented the penetration of this product category into high -margin household furniture segment and Buy Nilkamal Table Online.

In our daily lives, what objects do we reach out to and why – the ease of use vs the ease of the care, perceived with the value of the longevity and the beauty of the wear and to tear, a juggling the price and the cost, things are to save in a closet vs things we make part of our lives, Cotton vs Polyester, plastic vs wood – will it last for long time, will stains, will it worth? This decisions are often affect the buying decision and ultimately what we surround ourselves with in our messy every days task. There are much beauty’s not in saving the lovely thing for these special days. Presenting the selection of the product to enjoy the use without holding them as being too precious to be a daily habit.
  • Dismantle these furniture’s before the shift it from one place to another, with Houseful authorized personnel only.
  • Don’t drag or to push the furniture to shift within the house or in a room.
  • Avoid to keep the furniture in the high humidity and high moisture areas, directly in front of heat source like air conditioning vents, direct sunlight /or stove / iron box / heaters etc.
  • Liquids spill, if not to be wiped immediately will get absorbed & may cause damage to product.
  • Dust furniture should be clean, and dry and to be lint-free cloths or to use the moist cloth if required. Do not leave the furniture wet and after cleaning.
  • To avoid the creations of the mark on the furniture by the accessories, place a piece of cloth or any soft material under accessories.
  • Don’t keep the naphthalene ball directly on these products.
  • Rotate the mattress every 3 month to avoid the load on any given point for long durations
  • Furniture is an important investment for the house and it is imperative we choose every piece of it with care and considerations. They add these styles to the interior, spruce up all the room and to prevent them not to wear a sad, empty looks. More than they make the entire thing better for us with their functionality and useful. In addition with this, they give the space a decorates look. It helps you to select that you want and furnish your house in a brand of the new styles; here are the list of the thing that keeps in mind while you search for the best in class home furniture’s. Take the look to Buy Nilkamal Table Online.

Nilkamal's Evolution

Nilkamal is a company that successfully becomes the brand and the commodity. Nilkamal is market leader in plastic molded furniture’s segments in the country. The brand has the long history in dating back in 1934. The company was first started by Mr Parekh. Mr Vrajlal Parekh wants to manufacture metal buttons from his small factories. In 1950, he wants to start produce plastic product and the company was called Standard Plastic. Nilkamal Plastic was started in 1956 and wanted to become the independent company in 1981.

The Indian home furniture market is huge with a market size of around Rs 13000 crores. Majorities of these markets in the unorganized sectors. Nilkamal operate in the molded furniture’s market which is around Rs 950 crores. According to reports, 40% of which is in the unorganized sector for B
uy Nilkamal Furniture Online

Nilkamal is known for its plastic chairs. But the company is also a major player in manufacturing crates which are used for commercial purposes.

Nilkamal is a brand that popularized the use of plastic chairs at homes. Earlier households used to purchase only wooden and steel furniture’s. But Nilkamal wanted to break all the mindset. Nilkamal did this by creating good designs and also taking care of the quality factor.

Households earlier were averse to plastic chairs because it looked ugly and was not perceived are stronger. Nilkamal want to change the perception to introduce as well designed chairs .This was backed by heavy promotions using various media.

In a market which was dominated by unorganized player, the branded building gave the company more mileages and also premium price. The success of the company prompted most of the players to enter the segments. Since all the designs can be easily copied, it is difficult for the company to maintain the growth momentums. Nilkamal got the market leadership in the certain segment with a share of over 37%.But the market for molded furniture’s has become stagnant.

In 2005, the brand moved from molded furniture to home solution. The brand wanted to introduce the knocked down furniture’s and also sofa sets, dining tables, baby chairs which became most popular. The brand slowly started moving toward becoming a lifestyle furniture player.

The company also introduced a new range of office furniture brand Novel. During the time, the brand has ventured the retail business by launching large retail format under the brand name @home. These retail outlets showcased the new range of home solutions from the company.

Recently brand has also launched the range of the plastic Cupboards and cabinets branded as Freedom for Buy Nilkamal Furniture Online.

Recycling Furnitures: A New Trend

Recycle the wooden Furniture and it is the only one of the new trends in the manufacturing sector of Furniture Industry to Buy Nilkamal Furniture. 
Recycling or reclaiming the timber obtained from the various authentic old sources like demolished old building, wooden old architectural construction, old castles and havelis of Rajasthan, Gujarat and other North Parts of India.
70% of authentic color remain preserved while making of piece of furniture, it make is more exotic and one of kind of furniture.
Every pieces are different but due to identical usage of real reclaimed timber.
All kinds of the design and concept are made in the reclaimed timber, this furniture also known color strip furniture or boat wood furniture.
Browse all the own productions picture and have the thought.

But I think there is a huge potential for Nilkamal in developing itself to a highly creative furniture companies. As one of the consumer, I often find the branded furniture to be terribly overpriced for the qualities it delivers. Branded furniture is out of the reach for many middle class customers. Plastic furniture’s lack the look and home makers tried to avoid the product. Hence because of the huge potentials for the affordable designer’s furniture’s these markets are being captured by the cheap import from the China. There is the flood of the imported furniture’s which look at the good and the priced affordably.

Nilkamal have the brand equity to tap these potentials. Although the heavily associated plastic, it can leverage the equity to create an affordable range of home solutions to the Indian middle class.
Everything that we do become tradition so in the sense, it is not the fixed entities, rather than the evolving once and while, it grows and the progress, we have to continue to adapt and create new tradition, to document what is the essential step in understanding the essence of progress. These projects have been started to document Indian craft traditions and sharing it on the creating a rich resource for all to benefits from. They have now gone the step further and it started the Shop which completes the story by offering those who appreciate crafts the opportunity to bring them into their daily lives.
A collection of simple objects that one can enjoy using it they are created to use, or enhance the beauty of doing everyday thing, to be delight in kitchen. The website states “The wood for our house wares is sourced from sustained plantations. 90% of our products are crafted by village folk.” to Buy Nilkamal Furniture.

Stylishness and Craftsmanship

The woodwork of the furniture has to be at the decent, it’s not that great, in order for the complements your taste and the room’s aesthetic appeal. Randomly picking up the pieces of the furniture that may not go down well with your interior decoration or lend the room a cluttered look is the big no. Every room has got its own story to say and it is the furniture shouldn’t cause interruption in that. Instead it has to enhance it and to complete the story to Buy Nilkamal Dining Table Online.

Everyone’s dream is to have a dream house of its own. There are lots of the passionate people, decorate every available space in their house and make it look so colorful and beautiful. We have got both the old age and the new age interior adorning the houses.
There are some amazing blogs in the Indian Blogosphere who showcase the Indian decor and the Indian Interior design, which are not fully yet discovered
One thing that should be ominously clear is that functionality can in no way to get compromised. Buy the furniture which can serve the purpose and at the same time enhance the look the room. Avoid purchasing the furniture that will of the low in utility; they might be a cause of annoyance later on.
The color and the look- Opt for relaxing colors and furniture that looks light and easy. It would be the ideal for the home with the space constraint and for those who lead a fast lifestyle.
Quality- This is directly proportional to the strength and durability of the furniture’s. The higher is the greater one its chance of being a part of the house through thick and the thin. Opt for the furniture’s that are capable of the surviving sudden shocks and endure the seasonal changes as well as the ravages of time.
The theme, if any- Having theme based furniture is something that is being embraced by today. Make sure that the furniture you choose in sync with the theme you bear the mind. You can take the help of the portals that have come up with inspiring ideas and unique furniture to help you furnish your house innovatively
So while others go from pillar to post in search of the best in class home furniture’s, you can pick up from the wide establishments of the online. Also to enjoy the exclusive deal and to shop to your heart contents. When you are ready, take your time to organize them in a way that makes your home look the best place on earth to come home to Buy Nilkamal Dining Table Online

Thursday 21 August 2014

The benefits of buying the Nilkamal Weekender Garden Chair

Buying chairs is one of the most difficult tasks considering the usage and the design. With numerous options available online as well as in physical stores, the customer is often confused on where to invest. The design of the chair to be purchased is one important factor to be considered before purchase. The strength, quality and reliability are the factors that follow. One chair which scores high on all these factors is the Nilkamal Weekender Garden Chair.

Before one purchases a chair, it is important to understand the future use of the chair. Taking an example of the situation, one can consider whether he/she is looking out for an office chair, computer table and chair, garden chair, etc. Every chair has a set purpose that it serves and is ergonomically designed for the same. An office chair provides an extra comfort factor by cushioning in order to ensure that the user of the product is comfortable on the chair for a longer time. One the other hand, a computer chair would be designed for better hand rest and back support along with options for easy movement. A garden chair on the other hand would be ideal for long term seating and would be sturdy. Taking the example of the Nilkamal Weekender Garden Chair which is one of the most purchased products in this category, the chair from the house of Nilkamal is ergonomically designed and is attractive too. The use of polypropylene in making this chair provides the much needed strength and long lasting capabilities which are required. The chair is designed for a comfortable seating and one can with ease sit on the chair for a long time. The use of polypropylene in the making of the chair has also helped in ensuring that the chair is light weight and one can with ease lift the chair from the garden area to a terrace or any place inside the home. The chair can be stacked with ease, which is an additional benefit as multiple chairs can be stacked to save space inside the storage area. Chairs which are branded can be resold with ease as people trust the brand and believe the attributes of the chair. 

Overall, buying a chair requires a good amount of thought to be put in as the purpose is to be known and is to be fulfilled with care considering the requirement and the ease of use and resale in case one is shifting from the house or is willing to upgrade the chair. Apart from the Nilkamal Weekender Garden Chair, there are various other interesting options available in the market. Visit for more information on furniture items that you can purchase online with ease. 

How to ensure that you buy the best home furniture for sale.

Mass urbanization and the inward trend into cities have increased the demand for furniture which is reliable and lasts long. Apart from just lasting long, the resale value of furniture is being considered as an important factor influencing the purchase decision of various customers. The primary reason behind this can be attributed to the frequent movement of people from one place to another due to shift in job location, better job opportunities in other cities and other personal reasons. Thus, people today are on a look out for home furniture for sale

With the resale value of furniture being a good influencer, the price provided by the local shops is uncompetitive as they are not as reliable as a branded store. Various branded stores in the country today are focussing on reducing costs in order to offer competitive prices to the target group. While various unbranded stores sell furniture on prices which are not fixed and are based on negotiation and prices that may or may not serve the value which is supposed to be delivered. While customers often fear of buying furniture which may not be of good value, home furniture for sale is a great way of inviting customers to the store and also help them understand that the product that they purchase is worth the money that they spend. 

Furniture purchase is a decision which involves various factors into consideration. One of them is the choice of the family members. Furniture purchase is not a daily affair and any investment needs simplistic thought to suit every family member. Such decisions cannot be taken in local furniture stores where a family cannot spend ample time in deciding what to buy and what would suit their requirement. Unlike apparel purchase or electronic purchase, furniture is one product that is not easily exchangeable although few stores may provide exchange options or buy back options. This is when branded furniture stores help in ensuring that the customer grievances are handled with care and problems faced by individual customers are dealt with, in a professional manner. If you’re wondering whether customization options are available in branded stores, your worries can be reduced as various branded stores today provide customized services to alter the product to suit better to the requirements of the customer. 

Branded stores today have solved the problem of uncertainty of performance with respect to furniture. With attractive designs, good in-store ambience, options of buying the same products online and ease of delivery, branded stores have created a market for themselves. You can check out the various options for home furniture for sale on:   

Why wooden chairs, buy Nilkamal plastic chairs online

Buying furniture can be considered as an expense or expenditure by many. Buying wooden furniture is an expensive option. Being available in limited options, wooden furniture needs higher investment and is not easy to maintain as one has to ensure that the furniture is not exposed to termite, excess humidity, etc. Plastic furniture has emerged as a great alternative as it is comparatively more economic and lasts long. With furniture sale online adding to the kitty of options available to various users, one can buy Nilkamal plastic chairs online with ease. 

Nilkamal plastic chairs are light weight and are designed to promote hassle free movement which is a rare possibility in wooden furniture. These chairs are easy to handle and do not break even on being handled in a rough manner which is one possibility in wooden furniture and an expensive affair to deal with. With these advantages Nilkamal chairs are available in vibrant colours which would help in suiting the paints used in the room and would help the chairs suit the mood of the room. One can thus buy Nilkamal plastic chairs online in a manner that suits their room colour. If a room is designed and painted in fresh colours of light green and melon, a chair of the same colour can be chosen to suit the room. 

If comfort is your area of concern, Nilkamal chairs are ergonomically designed to ensure that the user does not feel uncomfortable even after sitting for long on the chair. One can choose from various options available on the kind of use as the chairs are designed on the basis of use by the user. An unknown advantage of using plastic chairs for various purposes is the contribution to sustainable development. Using plastic chairs reduces your carbon footprint as the use of wooden chairs needs the chopping of trees for making furniture. One can thus, weigh this as an important factor while purchasing furniture for home. Using Nilkmal chairs can have another advantage which is generally not prevalent among various wooden chairs available. They are harmless, especially with children as they do not have sharp corners and are light weight. 

With various benefits of buying plastic chairs, one can consider various factors that he/she may consider important before purchase. One must ensure that buying chairs or as a matter of fact any investment in furniture is taken collectively along with the suggestions of the family members. Once you have decided, it’s a good option to check out for options online as you may be able to find better deals online. For the best furniture deals and to buy Nilkamal plastic chairs online, visit: